Monitor your lab, jobs, and adapters with LabOps

Learn how to use LabOps to monitor your lab, jobs, and adapters.

This article will explain all the different states Artificial reflects so you can monitor your lab, jobs, and adapter health from anywhere. 

    Monitoring your lab

    There are two ways to monitor your lab's state - the status bar and your Digital Twin.  

    Status Bar

    In the top left corner, next to the Lab name, you will see the current global state of the Lab. This matches the state of the Lab you see on the LabOps Home page.

    The Lab State is dictated by the most "urgent" job state, so you know if you need to take action to get all of the jobs in a running state.  

    Potential states are (in order of urgency):

    1. Error - at least one job is in an error state 
    2. Assistance Needed - at least one job requires completion of an Assistant
    3. Paused - at least one job is paused 
    4. Running - all jobs are actively running 
    5. Ready for work - no jobs are running 

    So, if a job is in "Assistance Needed" and another job is in "Error," the lab state will reflect "Error."

    The Status Bar also includes access to the System Monitor, which provides information on the health of adapters deployed on Artificial and logs such as messages about device states, details on errors, and other critical information. This is particularly helpful for troubleshooting any errors the job might have encountered. 

    Digital Twin

    You can monitor the state of instruments with color overlays on the Digital Twin. All of the potential states and their color are shown below.

    The Digital Twin also visualizes your plates throughout its journey. You can access this search functionality by clicking the cube icon and searching by barcode to locate it. 

    Monitoring Jobs

    Like our Lab and Assets, jobs have different states depicted by their respective colors, as described below. 

    Active jobs are in progress on the system and may be in one of the following states: Running, Paused, Assistance Needed, Assistant in Progress, On Hold, and Error. Active jobs can be viewed from the LabOps panel, which includes a Job Metrics section and a Recent Jobs section. 

    The Job Metrics section provides the number of jobs currently in the following states: Error, Assistance Needed, Running, and Paused. Clicking on the number in each category will open up a filtered table view of those jobs. 

    The Recent Jobs section has a list of all active jobs. Jobs are sorted with the same prioritization as Lab states

    1. Error
    2. Paused
    3. Assistance Needed
    4. Assistance in Progress
    5. On Hold
    6. Running 

    To learn more about a job, click on the job's row to open the job details panel. You can learn more about Job Details here

    To obtain a more complete view of all jobs, you can access this in the Table View. You can learn more about the Table View here

    Monitoring Adapters


    Artificial integrates with external systems such as LIMS or hardware to communicate information in/out of the platform. The health of these connections can be found in the System Monitor and summarized by color coding:

    • Green: Connected and operating as expected
    • Orange: At least one adapter is disconnected
    • Red: The primary Artificial Adapter is disconnected 

    Upon clicking on the System Monitor in LabOps, a window that includes the current health of the adapters connected to this Lab will open

    This window provides the status of:
    • The Artificial Connection, which reflects the state of the connection between the Artificial Cloud and on-site systems
    • 3rd Party Connections , which reflects the state of the connection between Artificial and external systems such as LIMS, hardware, and work cells

    You can read more here to learn what to do if your adapter status is not green.  

    Learn more about LabOps by checking out these articles: