Materials, Parameters, and Outputs

Learn what Materials, Parameters, and Outputs are in the Assistants application and how to use them.

Materials, Parameters, and Outputs

Before creating an Assistant, it is important to understand how to use Materials, Parameters, and Outputs in Assistants.

  • Material is any consumable or item you would be loading onto the system. Anything you would put on your supply list for an Assistant is considered a material. 
  • A parameter is a variable that passes in values from the Worflows application into the Assistant player. The use of parameters enables dynamically updating Assistants so it shows updated quantities, loading locations, and more.
    • Examples of parameters include the number of samples, plate location, plate barcodes, etc.
  • An output is a variable that captures data in the Assistant player, which is used in the Workflows application. The use of outputs enables Assistants to capture data in the moment that can impact how the rest of the Workflow runs. 
    • Examples of outputs can be plate barcodes, yes/no decision points, and more. 

Materials, parameters, and outputs can be added by clicking on the "Materials, Parameters, and Outputs" button, which will open up a table. 

Why do I use Materials?

By creating a Material in the Editor, you can type "Load /material" into your Editor, and the quantity and destination are automatically populated based on the definition in the Materials table. This is helpful for when quantities and destinations change but also helps you read your steps more easily with the special text formatting. 

Every Material is also presented in the Materials List at the start of an Assistant. 

How do I add a Material? 

You can add materials by filling out the table fields:

  • Name: Text field for the name of your material (i.e., 100ul tips, EtOH, BioRad PCR Plates)
  • Material Type: Dropdown to classify your material (i.e., Samples, Plates, Deepwell Plates, etc. )
  •  Quantity: Field for integers (static quantities) or formulas to calculate quantities from parameters
    • To refer to a parameter, type "/" and "parameter name," then select it from the dropdown list 
    • Functions available: standard arithmetic (+/*), modulus  (%), pow, ceil(), floor(), round()
  • Unit: Dropdown of units for the material (i.e., count, ul, mL, etc)
  • Destinations: References for where the material is loaded
    • If the location never changes, type "/" and "model name", then select it from the drop down list.
    • If the location changes, it will be defined by a Parameter via Workflows. Type "/" and "parameter name".

When you want to reference the material in your step, all you have to do is type "/" and the name of your material. 

Why do I use Parameters? 

Parameters enable you to create dynamic Assistants. It connects data provided in Workflows from your request module, Benchling, and other sources to your Assistant so that quantities, destinations, and other details are automatically generated with each run. 

How do I add a Parameter?

You can add a parameter by filling out the following fields in the Parameters section:

  • Name: Text field for the name of your Parameter (ex: Samples, Amplicons)
  • Type: Dropdown to classify your parameter
    • Int, Float - ex: Quantities or volumes 
    • String - ex: Names of reagents, samples, etc.
    • Boolean
    • Asset Reference - ex: reference to Digital Twin models and locations
    • File Link 
    • [] for cases of > 1 item
    • Default Value: the default value if no value is provided from Workflows

    If you want to reference the parameter in your step, all you have to do is type "/" and the name of your parameter. The exact definition of these parameters is done in Workflows. 

    Why do I use Outputs?

    Outputs allow you to capture data while your Assistant is running to influence the rest of the Workflow. Example use cases can be, but are not limited to:

    • Numerical values that need to be used for downstream calculations
    • Plate barcodes that need to be referenced in downstream Assistants
    • Booleans to indicate yes/no decisions that determine whether a Workflow action takes place or branches

    How do I add an Output?

    1. Add an output by filling out the following fields in the Outputs section:
      • Name: Text field for the name of your Parameter (ex: Samples, Amplicons)
      • Type: Dropdown to classify your parameter
        • Integer
        • Float
        • String
        • Boolean
        • Asset Reference
        • [String] - array of string values such as a list of barcodes
      • Default Value: the default value if no value is provided in the Assistant
    2. Add a user prompt and select one of the types
      1. Text - for "String" outputs
      2. Number - for "Float" or "Integer" outputs
      3. Boolean - for "Boolean" outputs
      4. Barcodes - for [String] outputs
      5. Equipment - for "Asset Reference" output
      6. File - for "String" outputs

      Then, when you are working in your Workflows SDK, your Assistant stub will have your outputs listed for your use in the rest of your workflow.